Saturday, May 21, 2011

Crochet Reef

 Since being back in the states I have taken on a new and exciting project!

Turns out crochet is hyperbolic in nature and one can easily create free form shapes that represent corals and other sea creatures. Here is my version of the Christmas tree worm along with one that can be seen on google images. Aren't they amazing creatures?

I learned about the Institute For Figuring and it's crochet coral reef project and have been crocheting hyperbolic free forms that mimic the shapes of corals found in our worlds oceans. I have begun organizing Maine's effort to create it's own crochet reef, a satellite of the worldwide Hyperbolic Crochet Coral Reef project created by Margaret and Christine Wertheim of the Institute For Figuring in Los Angeles.

The Maine Reef project in simple terms is a Fiber Art installation that will be made up of hundreds, maybe thousands of coral forms and other reef related elements created by crocheting or other fiber art forms such as felting or knitting. The installation will be exhibited at the Fiber Center at Fryeburg Fair during fair week 2012.

Visit The Maine Reef  blog to learn more about it and how you can become a part of this fabulous community, statewide project!  

Here are a few pieces that I have had a blast making! 

Here is a Giant Clam! I never knew these existed before!

Until next time.........