Saturday, May 1, 2010

Adult Felted Flower Workshop........

Oh what a fun morning I had!

My "Fiber Play Date" group with a few additional students met this morning for a Felted Flower workshop. I began the class with instructions on how to felt a rose, complete with leaves and stem. The roses were made with multiple components; bud, leaves and stems fetled seperately. They are then either needle felted or glued together. It was quite fun to see the colors that everyone chose and that even though each one came out a bit different, each was equally lovely!

Once the roses were completed we worked on a Hibiscus flower. This one added some challenges since we felted in the stamens on one side as well as a stem on the back side. Students learned how to add components using a dry brush end and resist technique.
I am always amazed at how there are no mistakes to be made with felting. Perhaps your piece doesn't turn out as you envisioned, but that does not mean that it isn't lovely just the same!

A good time was had by all and each went home with not only lovely flowers of their own creation, but a bit of new knowledge that they can apply to other fiber arts that they practice..... Here are a few more images of our class bouquet!


 Until next time...........................


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